Establishing Common Ethical Standards: The Research Ethics Training for ODDEA Researchers

The ethics training sessions led by Dr. Lusine Fljyan as part of the ODDEA project kick-off activities represent a crucial step towards ensuring responsible research practices. The training was held prior to the start of research work, emphasizing the importance of integrating ethical considerations from the very beginning of the project. Dr. Fljyan, an experienced ethical expert, provided valuable insights and guidance on research ethics, including key issues that may arise during the research process.

The ethics training was conducted in a hybrid format, allowing researchers from all partner institutions involved in Work Package 1 to participate, regardless of their location. Case studies were used to illustrate ethical dilemmas that may arise during research work, enabling researchers to apply ethical principles in a practical and meaningful way. Additionally, the training focused on EU ethics standards and principles, ensuring that researchers adhere to the highest ethical standards throughout the ODDEA project. Overall, the ethics training provided an essential foundation for responsible and ethical research practices, ensuring the ethics integrity of the project and its outcomes.