ODDEA WP1 track during the 9th Scientific Conference ‘SCIENCE & BUSINESS – common challenges: Artificial intelligence (AI) – key to solve tomorrow’s challenges” in the AGH University of Krakow.

The 9th Scientific Conference ‘SCIENCE & BUSINESS – common challenges: Artificial intelligence (AI) – key to solve tomorrow’s challenges” took place in Krakow in November 16, 202,. The Conference was held in a hybrid format, stationary at the Faculty of Management of the AGH University of Krakow, Poland and online on the MS Teams platform. The Conference was attended by 115 participants online and 60 in the stationary form. The Conference was attended by representatives of universities from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Malaysia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain, Thailand, and several universities in Poland. Conference speakers represented public administration at country and local levels (including departments responsible for supporting small and medium enterprises), representatives of business and chambers of commerce (including international chambers), and academic career offices. Special track were dedicated to PhD students, master and bachelor students, and entrepreneurs.

Another special track was dedicated to the project “Overcoming Digital Divide in Europe and Southeast Asian”. This project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01-1). This was the second conference under Work Package 1 “The state-of-the-art analysis of the underlying factors of the digital divide within the EU and within the Southeast Asia”. Thirty research teams presented results of their studies conducted during their  secondments during this track. A detailed schedule of ODDEA track is available here . This Conference enabled project researchers to share their knowledge and experience. This track was open to all participants of the Conference – this enabled to disseminate the result of the first phase of the ODDEA project to the academic and business society.